Our Impact
You play an important role in our success!
Your support spreads through all of our varied projects – from productions in our beautiful home in downtown Baltimore to the summer shows in Ellicott City. You also helped us launch Shakespeare Beyond, going into other communities in Baltimore and around Maryland. You help make this and so much more possible. We hope you will take a moment to review this report and the facts and figures behind our achievements, along with the stories behind those facts and figures.
A PDF of the FY23 Impact Statement, along with a complete listing of FY23 donors and a donor profile, can be found below. Copies of the Impact Statement were mailed to recent supporters in May 2024. (If you did not receive and/or would like a copy of the report, or if you have any questions about making a donation, please contact our Development Office below.)
Contact development@chesapeakeshakespeare.com, or call 410-244-8571, x107.
A theatre is so much more than a building. It is a living, breathing community where audiences and actors meet to create art that enlightens, inspires, transforms, awes, and entertains. We are grateful for your gifts that support this artistry, our outreach, and educational programs, and our operations. This list recognizes all gifts received from September 1, 2022 through August 21, 2023.
The Friends of Chesapeake Shakespeare Company
Mohamed Al-Ibrahim and Sallie Rixey *
Louise Cather
Edward and Nanci Feltham
The Flieger Family
Scott Helm and Lesley Malin/The Helm Foundation
Robin and Don Hough
Patrick † and Charlton Hughes
Jeanne E. Marsh
Bob and Deeley Middleton
Mary and James Miller
Jeffrey Reilly
Emily Rockefeller
Paul and Chandler Tagliabue, in honor of Emily Rockefeller
Penny Thompson and Charlie Riesz
Charles† and Mary Jo Wagandt
Mary Jo and Ted Wiese
* Recurring Donors
† Deceased
Isabelle Anderson
Frank Gannon
Bill and Ruth Henry *
Kevin and Jennifer Renshaw
Wally and Brenda Stone
* Recurring Donors
† Deceased
Anonymous (5)
Anonymous, in memory of Barry Neal Ochrach
Geri Byrd
Ian Gallanar and Maria Trujillo †
Mr. Earle Pratt and Dr. Kelly Emerson
Sophia Silbergeld
Samantha Bayliss
Dr. Murry Bentley and Ms.
Linda J. Clark
Laura Boydston
Bob Burke and Helen Blumberg
Kevin G. and Susan A. Burke
Bob and Jan Busch
Virginia Tyler Campbell
Jeff and Carolyn Crooks
Ernie and Linda Czyryca
Jane Daniels
Natalie Davis and Brian Corwell
Chris and Mary Alane Downs
Jane Eisner
Jim Eisner
Joseph Ferlise
Bruce and Lisa Field
Celina Figueroa
Pamela S. Forton *
Kevin and Sherry Frick *
Dennis J. Gallagher
Jesse and Carol Gardner
Judith Golding and Rob Brager
Ruby and Bob Hearn, in honor of Katherine Kelly
Mr. Richard W. Ley
Tom and Fran Lonegro
Michele Massa *
Jack and Donna McCann
Janet and Tom McGlynn
Dr. Quentin McKennis
Aldervan Daly & Seamus Murphy
Paul and Jenny Oxborough
Kevin and Joyce Parks
Rev. Patricia Payne
Linda and Je Pieplow
Mark and Joanne Pollak
Robert E. Prince
Kyoko and Steve Redd
Alice, Fern, and Riley Reed
Lillian Sparks Robinson
Laura Selene Rockefeller
Sharon and Michael Runge
Brian and Jessica Saylor
Drs. Bradley L. and Hristina N. Schlaggar
Scott and Sharon Stewart, CE Science Inc.
Holly and George Stone
John and Susan Warshawsky *
Kem and Susan White
Joe and Valerie Yingling
* Recurring Donors
† Deceased
Anonymous (3)
Sherilyn Brinkley and Je¬ Brotman
Emried and Wandaleen Cole
Randall Cover
Howard and Beth Eisenson, in
honor of Vince Eisenson and Amal Saade
The Epp Family
Donna and Joe Flynn
Glen R. Goodwin and Dr. Jennifer Cooper
Caroline Griffin and Henry E. Dugan, Jr.
Helen Heneghan Trust
Mark A. G. Huffman *
Nick and Cynthia Islin
Corinne Keet and Aaron Burstein
Tim and Jennifer Kingston
Erin Loeliger
Terry Morgenthaler and Patrick Kerins
Nancy and Tom O’Neil
Frederick N. Pearson
Keven Perkins and Christine Bordine *
Walter and Mary-Ann Pinkard
Mickey and Marian Raup
Sarah S. Robinson
Nan Rohrer
Michael Rosenbaum and Amy Kiesel
James Seidl
Carolan and Brian Stansky
Doris S. Sweet
Andrew Tagliabue and Mark Jones,
in honor of Emily Rockefeller
Curtis Tatum
Marguerite VillaSanta and the Dr. Frank C. Marino Foundation, Inc.
Maria J. Wawer
Kathleen Wherthey
* Recurring Donors
† Deceased
Individual Donors
Anonymous (4)
Pamela H. Bilger
Lastenia Boyle
David Brown
Donna Burke and Dava Sentz *
Yara Cheikh and Firmin
Dr. Martha J. Connolly
David Cooke
Ann Ottewil and Dr. J. Stephen Cunat
Jonathan Dubin
Jami Terry and Alexandra Efron
Bruce and Lindsay Fleming
Deborah Ford *
David Gamble
Je¬ erson and Olivia Gray *
Susan Hahn
Emily R. Hanson
Mary Parker and Adam Hill *
Michael Lasinski
Frank G. Lemoine
Alison and Laddie Levy
Michael Lonegro
Alice Ludington
Judy and David Mauriello
David Mintzer and Cinda Hughes
Colm O’Comartun
Winifred De Palma
Andrew Pappas *
Paula and Charles Rees
Keenan and Natasha Rice
Sam Rudy
Brian and Barbara Scheetz *
Janet Simons
David and Irene Tabish
Michael Terrin and Bess Keller
Lorraine Ukens
Vitullo Family
Louise Wagner
Susan M. Watts *
Topper and Ellen Webb
Jenny Wright and Josh Osborne *
* Recurring Donors
† Deceased
Anonymous (5)
Vanessa Abiaad
Paul and Irene Aldridge
Cli¬fford Amend
Anita and Richard Fenton
Richard and Kathleen Baum
Leslie and Hugh Bethell
John Borstel
Howard Cardin
Caslow Family
Jennifer Chaffee and Scott Simpkins *
Dave and Pat Chason
The Schenkel Family
Jeffrey and Elaine Christ
Dr. Lea Ann Christenson
Alan and Deborah Cohen
Grace and Frank Cunningham
Janet M. Curnoles *
Nello Deblasio
Anthony Digregorio
Peter Dimitriades
David and Marian Entin
Karen and Dave Eske
Fred and Sue Eustis
Gary Felser
Valerie Fenton and Chris Niebling
Brian Fitzek
June and Larry Fletcher-Hill
John Gage *
Tom and Jeanne Gildee
Marc Steinberg and Jennifer Goldberg
Kristen Vanneman-Gooding and Ira Gooding *
Michael and Colleen Gottlieb
Carol and John Green
John M. Greiner
Guy Guzzone
Dianne and Darren Hackett
Jacqueline Heilman
Ralph and Beth Heimlich
Kathy Hogue and Nick Sommese
Marguerite Hoyt
Roberto and Charissa Huie
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt
Marc and Caroline Hurwitz
The Iverson Family
Patricia Jonas
George Jones
Hannah Jones *
David Kaloustian
Jerri Kamicker and Ned Brooks
Hattie and Eric Katkow
Henry Kerfoot
Wallace Kleid and Ina Sirkis
Deborah and Gary Kreipl
Judith Krummeck and Douglas Blackstone
Rodney and Patricia Layton
John M. Leovy
Peter Lucas
Jack Lum
Marshall Family
Matt and Cheryl Conelius
Dr. Fran McCabe
Emily McMahon
Nora Brigid Monahan
Nancy and Scott Moores
Molly Moores
Ken Moss and Patryce Toye
Jennifer C. Munch
Dr. Tara Thurlby Muscovich
Brad Myers
Morgan and Michael Nebistinsky
Susan B Nelson
Katherine O’Donovan
Monica O’Neill
Emily Pelton *
Alison and Steve Petersen
Robert E. Pownall
Charles Wheatley and Kimberly Reeves
Maureen Roberts
Ben Robinson *
Hollis Ross
Al Russell
Erica and Tadd Russo, in honor of
Jennifer Judd and Kira Brunton
Richard and Kayleen Saucier
Steve and Kelly Schwenk
Patricia E. Smeton
Geo¬ Snowman
Anne K. Stratton
Margaret Sullivan
Kathleen P. Taylor
Katharine George and Jon Velapoldi
Frank A. Vitrano
Eric and Mary Walker
Anne and Ray Wedgeworth
Chelsea and Matthew Wernsdorfer*
Brian Whooley
Judy Wixted and George Dappert
Donna and Susan Zagar
* Recurring Donors
† Deceased
Anonymous (12)
Samuel Adams
Deal and Colleen Allen
Edward Alsedek
Janice Altman
Jennifer and Rob Amann
David Anderson
Alex Antkowiak
Christina Arellano
Deadra and Dennis Atkins
Kim Carlton Baier
Jessica Baker
Peter Baker
Nicole Balliette
Kathleen Barber and Barry Feinstein
Richard Barton
Richard and Kathleen Baum
William and Geraldine Beach
Susan Behen
James Morrison
Roger Meade and Sherrie Black
Anne Kelleher and Ray Boedecker
Alan Bogage
Gundula Bosch
John Boswell
Kelly Boyd
Robert and Marilyn Boyle
Lastenia Boyle
Christina and Michael Bracknell
Gina Brennan
Andra Broadwater
David Brown
Karl Burke
Michael Cain
Mike and Elsa Cain
Michael Carducci
Emma Carter
Kali Chandler
Margaret Chandler
Heather Cobun
Ralph and Judy Cohen
Robert and Kathryn Cole
Carisa Cooney
Steve and Constance Craig
Gordon Creamer
Sandra Cryder
Grace and Frank Cunningham
Barbara Dais
Angela Davis
Nello Deblasio
Vinny DeMarco and Molly Mitchell
Joe and Nancy Dickinson
Anthony Digregorio
Jeanne Dolamore
Emily Dolbin
Michael Dopkin
David Dougherty
Barbie and John Dunning
Maureen Essex
Nicole Ferraiolo
Robert and Jennifer Feuerbach
Dawn Fichtner, in honor of Jay and Rae Ann Fichtner
John and Paula Finedore
Bruce Fisher
Clara Fitzgerald
Dr. Dale J. Fixsen and Elizabeth A. Fixsen
Kim Fleischmann
Larry Forte
Christina Francis
Michelle Starz-Gaiano
Peter Gartrell
Marc Steinberg and Jennifer Goldberg
Dana Goode
Grace Goodhew
Jackie Gordon
Ronald Gray
Susan Hade
Kristin Hamilton
Janice Hardin
Margot Harris
Catherine Harrison-Restelli
David and Suzanne Havrilla
Stan Haynes
John H. Hebb
Naomi Heiligman
Jacqueline Heilman
Shannon and Mary Ann Heine
Richard Bett and Geraldine Henchy
Keith Hetzler
Jerry Hicks
Lara Hjortsberg
Kathy Hogue and Nick Sommese
Joy Holly, in honor of Sarah Taylor Holly
Victoria and Gregory Hook
Lisa and John Horrigan
Roberto and Charissa Huie
Miriam Hyfler
Charles Jefferson
Frederick Johnson
Donald Jones
Kaiser-Jones Family
Phillip and Erika Juengst
David Kaloustian
Brian Kantsiper
Rebekah Kaufman
Mary Kenney
Pete Kerzel
Paul Kilduff and Mary Scholl
William Kinna
Lawrence Kleinman
Felicia Korengel
Yekaterina Kuchik
Sandra Kull
Annette Labiano
Kevin Lanagan
Joe Lauinger
Susan Linkins
Gail Lipsitz
Karen Lombardo
Cathy Mailander and Rich Lovering
Judy Maguire
Lani Makholm
Tyler Masengale
Denise Mason
Audrey Maynard
Rosalyn McCrea
Charles McCullough
Damita McDonald
Kurt Gruber and Elizabeth McKenna
David McLeod
Henry A Mendeloff
Kim Middleton
Harriette Mogul
Nancy and Scott Moores
Kevin Morris
Alicia Murphy
Jeff and Karen Myers
Sharyl Nass
Travers Nelson
Russell and Karla Nemec
Saundra Newman
Jane Nitsch
Katherine O'Donovan
Breeze O'Farrell
James Old
Julia Oriani
Stephen Parker and Ginny Larsen
Victoria Parks
Marin Paul
Akiba Perry
Katherine and Mark Peterson
Aaron Pope
Emily Ramsay
Javan and Ashley Rasnake
Timothy and Julia Reda
Robert Reed
Hal Reinhardt
A. Louisa Rettew
Paul Rhodes
Reggi Richard
Michael Richie
Richard Richie
sabrina richter
Maureen Roberts
Ben Robinson
Scott and Megan Rodgville
Tammi Rolle
Anne-Marie Rosenthal
Raymond and Molly Ruppert
Donna Ryan
Karen Saar
Mark and Kathy Schmidt
Danielle Schuman and Ben Schuman
Maggie Scobie
Todd Carpenter and Colette Searls
Deepak Seth
Laura Shulstad
Don and Lauren Small
Marion Smith
Jeffrey and Denise Smith
Heather Speicher
Jane Springer
Jasdev Sran
Tawnee Stacey
Jeffrey Stern
Dorothy Stoltz
Natalie Stolurow
Denise Stoudt
Kathryn Sullivan
Stephen and Carolyn Sutton
Frank Svoboda
Gwendolyn Tate
Kirsten Saxe and William Thompson
L. Topoleski
Bette Vajda
Corinne Viglietta
Christopher Watson
Lauretta Welch
Audrey Wellons
Brian Whooley
Christopher & Helen Wilkens
Chester Stacy and Nadia Williams
Karen Wilson
Walter Windisch
Wendy Wolff
Catherine A Wolkow
Dale Woodring
Mary Louise Woolley
Kimberly Yang
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ronald Zielke
David and Karen Zolet
Corporate, Foundation, and Government Support
City of Baltimore
The Helm Foundation
State of Maryland
Maryland Department of Commerce
Maryland State Arts Council
Paul M. Angell Family Foundation
The William G. Baker, Jr. Memorial Fund,
creator of the Baker Artist Awards, www.bakerartist.org
The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation
Maryland State Department of Education
Baltimore County Commission on Arts and Sciences
and the Citizens of Baltimore County
Howard County Arts Council
The John J. Leidy Foundation
The M&T Charitable Foundation
PNC Bank
T. Rowe Price Foundation
The Aegon Transamerica Foundation
The Morris A. Mechanic Foundation
J. S. Plank and D. M. DiCarlo Family Foundation
The Nora Roberts Foundation
Southway Builders, Inc.
The Venable Foundation
Baltimore Community Foundation
Mayor Brandon Scott and the Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts
Booz Allen Hamilton
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
LifeBridge Health
The Macht Fund of The Associated
The Sylvia Meisenberg Endowment for Shakespeare Education
The Robertson Powell Foundation
Booz Allen Hamilton
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Sun Life
Take Two Software
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Bach in Baltimore
Bin 604
Eddie’s of Roland Park
Shriver Hall Concert Series
John Warshawsky
John Warshawsky and his wife Susan are relatively new to Baltimore, having moved here in 2018, but not long after moving here, they found Chesapeake Shakespeare Company and became subscribers.
They are products of Missouri, where they met as accounting students and where John attended law school and initially practiced law. They moved to Washington, D.C., in 1987, however, and both had professional careers in the D.C. area until they decided to retire in Baltimore.
"I'm not your typical Shakespeare audience member," John admits. Like many people, he and his wife had some exposure to Shakespeare, but the first time they attended a Shakespeare performance in D.C., they both realized they did not understand the language and were quickly lost. They both appreciate the arts – John plays the viola and both have long-attended classical music concerts – but they felt like outsiders at the Shakespeare play in D.C.
After three-plus decades in the D.C., John and and Susan decided to move to Baltimore. They had visited the city many times, for the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (BSO) concerts and Orioles games, and they knew Baltimore was now a better fit for them than DC. Living in Bethesda, they had even shifted their allegiance from the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center to the BSO's performances at the nearby Music Center at Strathmore. Then, following their move here, they found out about Chesapeake Shakespeare and decided to give a Bard play another chance, with the 2022 production of Henry V. This time, prepared in advance with his Folger Shakespeare edition, John attended CSC and loved it. He brought Susan next, and they have been coming back ever since.
"I love the theatre and the gorgeous building," John says, "and how accessible the actors are… The experience in the theatre is intimate. The productions are so well-performed and well-directed."
He also loves Baltimore.
"Baltimore and St. Louis are very similar," he says. He and Susan lived in downtown St. Louis, so they're familiar with downtown life. "But Baltimore's a much more progressive city… The challenges are obvious to all, but once you get to past them, there's a lot to love about our adopted city."
John has always been one to support his communities, and in retirement he continues to provide pro bono legal work, concentrating on immigration issues. Organizations benefiting from his counsel include Catholic Charities of Baltimore's Esperanza Center, Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service, and the International Kids in Need of Defense (KIND). In May 2024, he was named "Volunteer of the Year" by the Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Washington.
As for the theatre, John and Susan are now Friend-level donors at CSC. In fact, John likes the performances so much he began volunteering as an usher, and proudly posted the photo (above) of him in his red ushers' scarf on social media.
"Chesapeake Shakespeare was an enormous surprise," John says, noting the warmth and welcoming atmosphere they have experienced. "We really look forward to the productions here, and we're always happy to chat it up with others."
Donor Privacy Policy
Chesapeake Shakespeare Company does not sell, share, or trade donors’ names, postal addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, donation history, or any other personal information with outside entities, nor do we send any communication to our donors on behalf of other organizations.
This policy applies to all information collected by Chesapeake Shakespeare Company, online and offline, through our website, donation forms, third-party donation channels (including but not limited to other charitable agencies, donor-advised funds, employee giving and employer matching gift programs, social media fundraisers, etc.), and any other electronic, written, or oral communication.
Where donation payments are processed by credit card companies or other financial service providers, only the information required to complete the transaction is transmitted. Any such information is sent via secure networks in compliance with current payment industry standards and is authorized for no other use.